Nyano Angalo (NA) works with the purpose of providing access to public healthcare for children in rural areas of Nepal. In a context where challenges in child health persist, such as high mortality rates and lack of healthcare infrastructure, NA aim to bridge the gap in healthcare services provision. We work closely with local communities, health authorities, and other key partners in Nepal to strengthen healthcare systems, enhance healthcare professionals’ training, and raise awareness about the significance of community child health.

We believe in the power of collaboration and collective commitment to bring about significant change in the lives of Nepalese children. We invite all those who share our vision to join this mission and together build a healthier and more equitable future for the children of Nepal.

NA’s Mission

Our mission is to provide a home far from home for kids and their families from rural Nepal, going through a severe illness situation, where a long term stay in the city is required.

NA’s Vision

Our vision is to create a world where every child has access to quality health care and lives a healthy, happy life.

our Purpose

Make every child’s life count

NA’s Goal

Our goal is to provide equal opportunities around the country in children’s health care. This Project aims to create strategic partnerships with organizations and institutions, promote research and development, and deliver innovative healthcare solutions.

Na’s Values

Movimiento mariposa Nepal
Montañas Nepañ